Saturday, September 18, 2010

W.D. Gann Recommended Reading List

Below is a list of titles on the W.D. (William Delbert) Gann Recommended Reading List:

Because the copyrights are expired on most of these titles, FREE ebook downloads are available for those highlighted titles below. Just click on the link to view and download.

A. E.; The Candle of Vision; 1920; 175p.
Ahmad, Sheikh Habeeb; The Mysteries of Sound and Number; 1925; 89p.
Agrippa, Henry C.; Philosophy of Natural Magic; 1913; 315p.
Alvidas; Sciences and Key of Life, Vol.1, Planetary Influences; 1902.
Alvidas; Sciences and Key of Life, Vol.2, Planetary Influences; 1902.
Alvidas; Sciences and Key of Life, Vol.3, Planetary Influences; 1903
Alvidas; Sciences and Key of Life, Vol.4, Planetary Influences; 1904
Alvidas; Sciences and Key of Life, Vol.5; Astro Physiology; 1905
Alvidas; Sciences and Key of Life, Vol.6; 1906
Alvidas; Sciences and Key of Life, Vol.7; 1907
Anonymous; Sixth and Seventh Books of Moses; 1880; 190p.
Balliett, Mrs. L. Dow; Philosophy of Numbers; 1908, 7th Ed.; 168p
Balliett, Mrs. L. Dow; Number Vibration In Questions and Answers; 1920, 2nd Ed.;104p.
Balliett, Mrs. L. Dow; The Day of Wisdom According to Number Vibration; 1922, 2nd Ed.; 184p.
Berrart, Leo; Ogilvie’s Astrological Birthday Book;1915; 1st;264p.
Brandon, Wilfred; Open the Door; 1935;195p.
Bullinger; The Witness of the Stars; 1893, 1st; 204p
Butler; Solar Biology; 1887, 17th; 400p.
Cady, Emilie; Lessons in Truth;1920, 1st; 174p.
Carey - Perry; God-Man: The Word Made Flesh;1920, 1st.; 176p.
Carey, Dr. George; The Chemistry of Human Life ;1919,1st; 77p.
Carey, Dr. George; The Wonders of the Human Body;1918, 1st;126p.
Cheasley, W.; Numerology; 1930, 5th; 120p. $35.00
Choisnard, Paul; The Proof of Astral Influences on Man;1st.; 65p.
Colier, Robert; The Secret of the Ages ,Vol.1-7; 1926, 1st; 643p.
DeLuce, Robert; Horary Astrology; 1930,1st; 60p.
DeLuce Robert; Rectification of the Horoscope; 1st; 70p
Du Vernet, Archbishop; Spiritual Radio;1925, 1st; 60p.
Haddock, F. C., MD; The Power of Will; 1914, 2nd; 387p.
Hudson, Thomas Jay; The Law of Psychic Phenomena; 1899; 409p.
Johndro, L. Edward; The Stars (How and Where They Influence); 1929; 120p.
Johndro, L. Edward; The Earth in the Heavens (Ruling Degrees of Cities);1929; 151p.
Kerns, H. J.; The World Book of the Ages from Adam to Millennium;1932; 70p.
Larsen Ludwig; Key to the Bible and Heaven; 1919, 1st; 280p.
Libra, C. AQ.; Astrology, It’s Techniques and Ethics; 1917, 1st; 259p.
Montrose; Numerology for Everybody;1940; 1st;165p.
Papus; The Tarot of the Bohemians; 1892, 1st; 355p.
Partridge, A. E.; Fortunate Hours; 1st; 100p.
Pearce, A. J.; Textbook of Astrology, 5 Books; Bk1 227p., Bk2-5 167p., 2nd Ed.
Raphael; Raphael’s Mundane Astrology;1932, 1st; 80p
Redding, William A.; Mysteries Unveiled; 1st; 160p.
Sepharial; The Kabala of Numbers (Original Source Book), 1945; 387p.
Sepharial; The Kabala of Numbers ( Interpretation) 2 Vols.; 1926,1927; 204p.,215p.
Sepharial; Sepharial’s Astrology; 1st; 126p.
Sepharial; Law of Values; 1st; 50 p.
Sepharial; The Silver Key; 2nd Ed.; 94p.
Sepharial; Directional Astrology; 1921; 192p.
Sepharial; The Science of Foreknowledge; 1918; 160p.
Sepharial; The Astrological Ready Reckoner and Student’s Assistant;1st; 68p.
Sepharial; Manual of Astrology; 1898, 1st; 256p.
Sepharial; Cosmic Symbolism; 1912, 1st; 294p.
Shaftesbury, Edmund; The Goal of Creation;1920; 464p.
Smith, Worth; Miracle of the Ages; 1st; 150p.
Stout, Wesley W.; Secret; 1947, 1st; 67p.
Taylor, Ariel Yvon; Numerology Made Plain;1926, 1st; 147p.
Three Initiates; The Kabalion (Hermetic Philosophy); 1918, 1st; 180p.
Troward, Thomas; Bible Mystery and Bible Meaning; 1913, 1st; 323p.
Walter, William W.; The Sickle; 1918, 1st; 391p.
Ward, Charles A.; Oracles of Nostradamus; 1940,1 st; 425p.
Wemyss, Maurice; The Wheel of Life or Scientific Astrology, (Complete 5 Volume Set for Sale)
Wemyss, Maurice; The Wheel of Life or Scientific Astrology, Vol. 1; 1st; 186p.
Wemyss, Maurice; The Wheel of Life or Scientific Astrology, Vol. 2; 1st; 220p.
Wemyss, Maurice; The Wheel of Life or Scientific Astrology, Vol. 3; 1st; 156p.
Wemyss, Maurice; The Wheel of Life or Scientific Astrology, Vol. 4; 1st; 111p.
Wemyss, Maurice; The Wheel of Life or Scientific Astrology, Vol. 5; 1st; 126p.

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