Stock Market Fluctuations and Cosmic InfluencesGustave Lambert-Brahy
Book Description: Astro-Trend Publications, Chicago, 1982. No Binding. REPRINT, Loose pages 8.5" x 11", As translate from French to English, in its entirety from the 1941 edition, by Phyllis Gould.
Book Condition: Very Good, no just jacket,
Contents: Preface to First Edition, Preface to Second Edition, Chapter I: Historical and Documentary Details, from Solar Magnetism to Influences of the Stars, Chapter II: The Planets and the Zodiac, Chapter III: Aspects, Chapter IV: The Tables of the Planetary Positions, Chapter V: Preparatory Considerations for the Study of Connections Discovered Between the Movements of Expansion and Contradiction of the World Economy and the Planetary Configurations Since 1820, Chapter VI: Detailed Table of Planetary Aspects Between the Years 1820 and 1940, Chapter VII: Value Diagrams of Planetary Aspects from 1820 to 1940, Chapter VIII: Conclusions Drawn by Studying Value Diagrams of Planetary Aspects for the Years 1820 to 1940, Chapter IX: The Crisis 1928-1932, Chapter X: Some Theories Derived from the Table of Planetary Aspects (Chapter VI) Comparison of Crisis and Economic Expansion, Chapter XI: Significance of the Planets from the Following Points of View: General, Economic, Stock Market., Chapter XII: The Significance of Planetary Aspects from a Political, Economic, and Purely Market Point of View, Chapter XIII: How to Establish a Diagram of Probable Economic Fluctuations According to the Planetary Configurations of the Moment, Chapter XIV: Solar Aspects The Phenomenon of Transmission, Chapter XV: Lunar Aspects The Phenomenon of Double Transmission, Chapter XVI: Simultaneous Planetary Combinations, Chapter XVII: Parallels and Declinations, Chapter XVIII: Equinoxes and Solstices. Entrance of Planets and Signs, Chapter XIX: Strength and Weakness of Planets in the Signs, Chapter XX: Example of Application of Preceding Principles: The Hoover Boom, Chapter XXI: Orientation of a Map of the Sky, Chapter XXII: The Meaning of the Cardinal Points, The 12 Houses and the Planets Occupying Them in a World Map of the Sky, Chapter XXIII: Period Sky Maps, Chapter XXIV: Eclipses - The Krueger Crash, Chapter XXV: Prediction of Earthquakes and Analogous Catastrophes, Chapter XXVI: Determination of the Probable Location of an Event by Orientation of Cardinal Points of a Sky Map, Chapter XXVII: Determination of Probable Locations of an Event by the Signs of the Zodiac, Chapter XXVIII: Predictions by Examination of a Country's Theme, Chapter XXIX: Financial Predictions Obtained by Studying Themes of Stock Market Values, Chapter XXX: Stock Market Values and State Banks, Chapter XXXI: Problems with Fluctuations of Raw Materials, Chapter XXXII: The Planet Pluto, Chapter XXXIII: A Typical and Controllable Example of General Forecasts, Chapter XXXIV: The Years 1934 to 1940 (1), Chapter XXXV: An Anticipation of the Years 1941 to 1950 and the Second Half of the Century in Progress, The Period 1951 to 2000, Chapter XXXVI: Conclusions and Advice, Table of Contents, List of Figures, Tables and Diagrams -- end. 226 Pages, EXTREMELY SCARCE ENGLISH TRANSLATION of Gustave Lambert-Brahy's book on Financial Astrology, REPRINT.
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About the Author: Gustave-Lambert BRAHY [3] was the only son of a conservative Catholic family. He first became interested in poetry, he published his first poems in 1913. The First World War put an end to his literary interests, since he was drafted into the army. After the war he was a victim of the influenza epidemic at that time. Since he was treated badly, he recovered only very slowly, and the rest of his life he was plagued by headaches and temporary memory loss. During his recovery period he studied with great success, accounting, after graduation in 1920 joined the staff of the Finance Ministry.
He was a member of the esoteric Theosophical Society in 1924 and 1926, he joined the Esoteric Section, where he took the training, but also freedom of thought, which he sought. In addition, he was with a member of the Liberal Catholic Church, because here he could build on the experiences of his childhood faith. That the Theosophical Society, Krishnamurti, revered as the new Messiah, dealt with his Christian attitude not agree more, and he left the company 1929th After a life-threatening pneumonia in the winter of 1926-27 his daughter apparently be cured by spiritual means of the Rosicrucians in California could BRAHY was willing to build thanks to the Belgian Rosicrucian section, and remained until 1935, its president.
In 1927 BRAHY first met the Count de Thun Herbais that should affect him strongly. He supported BRAHY not only financially, but also brought him into contact with the Martinists, which he was a committed member. After a trip to the USA 1937-39, he turned back to writing more, published a tourist guide for America and translated during the second World War II works of English novelist Bulwer Lytton. After the second World War II he was a member of several research companies in Belgium, England, France, Switzerland and the United States. After BRAHY from the 1950s, due to legal threats, reduced its astrological prognostic activity, he turned his attention more intensely on the Martinists, whose Grand Master of the lodge he later became a Belgian.
BRAHY and Astrology:In Jahr1920 he first came into contact with astrology. He read at the beginning of much medieval astrological literature, especially works of Roger Bacon. In recent works he read Alan Leo , the Theosophists Max Heindel and Paul Choisnard . Since he also yoga breathing exercises and practicing white magic, he came in higher states of consciousness he experienced in dreams and hypnosis, as well as sleep walking. He used these skills rarely, until he was trained by qualified teachers in this area better. Later he was able to use this gift to help many people.
With a natural flair for precision and accuracy, BRAHY quickly became an excellent astrologer. In November 1926 he founded, together with Paul Choisnard , in Brussels, the Belgian Institute astrology CEBESIA (Centre Belge d'Etude Scientifique Influences of Ethereal), which still exists today. The goal was to train there, astrologers, and the calculation and interpretation methods to modernize. That same year he also called the astrology magazine "Demain" ("Tomorrow"), the same association was organ. Gustave-Lambert published here BRAHY his often surprisingly sure-astrological predictions, especially in the exchange area. On the 54th French Science Congress 1932 he published his first theory of planetary cycles , which later led to his publication of "Les Fluctuations Boursier et les Cosmiques Influences" (exchange fluctuations and cosmic influences). This discovery influenced later André Barbault to deal with these cycles, he described on this basis named after him Barbault cycle.
BRAHY had to deal with the accusation that he ran with his astrology, fortune telling, especially because its predictions were also used commercially. Since this constituted a criminal offense, have to adjust the release of its economic forecasts BRAHY 1950th In the future, he advised, only privately, especially in the United States. Subsequently dropped the edition of his magazine "Tomorrow", so that they set in the 1960s.