Your Money's Worth: A Study in the Waste of the Consumer's Dollar
by Stuart Chase and F.J. Schlink
Book Description: The Macmillian Company, New York, 1927. Hardcover. 1st Edition. 12mo - over 6¾ - 7¾" tall. Hardcover, Black cloth boards with paper panels, b/w images letters, red topstain, uncut edges, First Edition, Fifth Printing ,September 1927.
Book Condition: Good, spine faded, covers rubbed, corners gently bumped, light shelfwear, small blemish on front endpapers (1/2"x1/4") where a label was removed, small label to back end papers from previous owner, about a dozen of the text pages have torn corners on top / bottom or both but text unaffected, a few pages have light soil, but otherwise pages are free of marks. I would have rated this "Very Good" if not for the torn paper corners. No dust jacket.
Contents: 1. Alice in Wonderland: The consumer as Alice, modern salesmanship as Wonderland. What does advertising tell us about quality and how does this information differ from quality as determined by the impartial scientist? 2. The New Competition: The Rise of modern salesmanship and the technique of its operation. The drive of the trade associations on national purchasing. 3. Along Main Street: A typical shopping tour and a review of goods for sale. What protection as to quality and utility does Main Street now give the consumer? 4. One Hundred Billion Dollars: What the technique of testing means specifically, a survey of the total annual sales of goods in the United States- both ultimate and intermediate- to which the method is possibly applicable. 5. The Acrobatics of Quality, Price and Cost. 6. Adulteration and Misrepresentation: A Case history of what the laboratory shows as against what the advertising promises. Short Weight and Short Measure. How Bad are Goods? 7. Quack, Quack: A Survey of the patent medicine and allied industries in the light of the findings of the American Medical Association. 8. More Quacks and Cure Alls: A Case History of non-medical quackery-insecticides, radio and some other things. It is the task of no professional society to report this field. The inwardness of brands and trade-marks. 9. Standardization: Good and Bad- A Brief history of the standardization movement. How Standards help to bring order out of chaos. Do they reduce life to one dead level of uniformity? 10. The Consumer's Stake in Standards: How technique of standardization may help the consumer. How it has already helped them. 11. Outposts- Governmental: A Review of the work of the Bureau of Standards and other Federal, State, and Municipal Agencies concerned with protecting the consumer. A Critical Appraisal. 12. Outposts- Private. 13. First Aid: Suggestions for correlating and extending the work of existing outposts. A Private Foundation; University Laboratories. Can the consumer organize for his own protection. 14. In Summary, References by Chapter, Index. 285 pages.
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