Value Line Methods of Evaluating Common Stocks, Building and Maintaining a Portfolio
by Arnold Bernhard
Book Description: Arnold Bernhard & Co., Inc., New York, 1979. 4to - over 9¾ - 12" tall. Softcover, Blue card stock wraps with white title to cover.
Book Condition: Good, some moderate wear to cover, edges and spine, corners bumped, previous price tag on back cover. Interior is clean and bright, no marks.
Contents: I: Introduction, II: Evaluating a Stock, Schema, How the Flow of Information is Presented, Background Evidence and Opinion, Other Criteria of Value Offered in the Value Line Survey, Some Interpretations of the Statistical Arrayed on a Typical Stock Report, Per Share Basis, Company Basis, III: Portfolio Management, IV: How Value Line Ranks, Estimates and Indices Are Computed, V: Glossary, VI: Compound Interest Tables, VII: Index, VIII: Organizational Chart, Other Services. -- The Value Line Investment Survey was started in 1935. From the very beginning, it was based on the idea, radical for it's time, that stock values could be objectively quantified and that such evaluation would make for more efficient investment then random selection. Arnold Bernhard, founder and CEO of Value Line Inc. died in December 1987 when the Value Line Survey was the world's largest investment advisory service with more then 134,000 subscribers paying $495 annually to receive it. This 96 page book covers some of the theory and practice behind the value line methodology. Scarce Title, Collectible.
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